Penny stock under 1 again: Standard Capital Markets Limited announced on Saturday 8 March that it had its board meeting. Members decided that the Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) would join the optional investment fund (AIF) business with an initial investment. 50 crores.
The NBFC -owned subsidiary will be the investment manager of the Standard Capital Advisors Limited, AIF, who takes care of the AIF fund business property and investment. In addition, NBFC boards formed a group of other decisions.
“… In its meeting held today, in its meeting held today, IE, March 8, 2025, Inter Alia, has been considered and approved the following. The company has been approved and sponsored by the regulator to sponsor and sponsor AIF -Category IIII in the name of ‘Standard Global Opportunities Fund’ or any other name to the company: in this regard: in this regard.
Proposed Category III – Approved the proposal to act as a sponsor and settler for AIF and committed the initial contribution of UP 50.00 crores, under SEBI approval. To manage the assets and investment of AIF in this regard by the company regulator and to manage AIF:
NBFC said in a regulatory filing to stock exchanges that a subsidiary of the company’s Standard Capital Advisors Limited said that the proposal was approved by a subsidiary owned subsidiary as investment manager.
Standard capital to gain 100% stake in US Financial and Investment Limited
Apart from the above development, the NBFC board has approved the acquisition of 100 percent stake in a Hong Kong company US Financial and Investment Limited. According to the exchange filing, the US Financial and Investment Limited has been included in Hong Kong and has been dominated.
Its registered office and business is the main place of Flat A, 7LF, Tech Lee Commercial Building, LL3-LL7 Van Chai Road, Van Chai, Hong Kong. The company holds a valid money lender license in Hong Kong and is not subject to any regulatory action, suspension or rebellion.
“This acquisition fully aligns with the strategic vision of standard capital of becoming a leader in the NBFC sector. By integrating US financial expertise and resources, standard capital is deployed to enhance its capabilities, make its service offerings and provide their customers globally increased price, ”said the standard capital market in its exchange filing.