So, You Want to Be a Tutor? Here’s What You Need to Know!

So, You Want to Be a Tutor? Here’s What You Need to Know!

Becoming a tutor can be an easy way to make some extra money, gain more experience with kids, or even turn it into something bigger. But the process of becoming one isn’t quite as simple as saying Hey, I’m interested in this! It requires quite a bit of work up front. Here are 10 simple steps to get you on your way to being an awesome tutor!


In order to be successful as a tutor, it is important that you are passionate about the subject you want to teach and love helping people learn. If you find yourself dreading your tutoring sessions or feel like they take away from other parts of your life, then this might not be the right career for you. One of the most rewarding aspects of tutoring is seeing how much an individual has learned over time and knowing that you were able to help them achieve their educational goals.


If you’re not confident in yourself or your abilities as a tutor, do not expect your students to be confident in themselves. A tutor should have high self-esteem and an aura of confidence about them because these are skills that can be taught and passed on to their students. 2. Your first year may be difficult because the adjustment from student to teacher can take some time for both you and the student.


First and foremost, patience is key. No matter how much experience you have in tutoring or teaching others, it will take time for students to comprehend the material being taught. Patience and perseverance will be required of you as a tutor from day one. 

It may be tempting to give up on students who don’t seem interested in the subject matter or just don’t get it. But remember that everyone learns at their own pace and all students are different.


The commitment of becoming a tutor is not one that should be taken lightly. It requires dedication and hard work. If you are looking for an easy way to make money or plan on working as a tutor part-time while also holding down another job, this is not the right career path for you. However, if you are ready and willing to put in the time and effort required to become an effective tutor and achieve your goals then read on.

Communication skills

Communication is key when it comes to being an effective tutor. To be an effective tutor, you need to be able to communicate with the student in the manner they best understand. This means having some knowledge of their language and culture, as well as being able to engage them in conversation about academic topics.

Experience & Education

The first step to being a tutor is figuring out if you have the right experience and education. If you’re looking for tutoring jobs, you’ll need at least some college coursework in the subject area. If it’s math or science, that can include just taking one class like Calculus 101. As for teaching experience, it doesn’t matter if it was undergrad or grad school – if you had classes with enough students who also needed help from the teacher than that counts too.

Being Organized

Make sure you have an organized space and time set up for tutoring. It is important that your work area has all the necessary supplies- paper, pencils, crayons or markers and scissors. Keep any supplies needed for the lesson on hand in one place so they are easily accessible.

A positive attitude

Getting up the courage to tell your friends and family that you’re quitting your job in order to become a tutor can be tough. But don’t let their questions of what ifs discourage you. Remember that tutoring is an honorable profession with plenty of potential for growth. With the right attitude and dedication, it’s possible for anyone to become an excellent tutor in no time at all. 

Practical Advice from an Experienced Online Tutor Section: Additional Resources

I’m happy to provide resources for tutors who are looking for help with their business or want additional advice. The first resource is the How To Start Your Own Online Tutoring Business Course from Udemy. This course will help you start your own online tutoring business and offers some great tips on marketing and pricing strategies as well. It is available on my website as well in case you have any questions about the course.

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